
Specialized dental care for children, teenagers and young adults

Our clinic in Älvsjö offers professional pediatric dental care by referral. The dental team consisting of specialized dentists and dental nurses brings years of experience, providing high-quality pediatric dental care


We offer an extensive array of treatment options for children and adolescents from 0-23 years of age

  • Children with acute symptoms
  • Children with chronic diseases
  • Children experiencing fear of dentistry or fear of injections
  • Caries treatment in two or more quadrants
  • Primary tooth trauma
  • Neuropsychiatric impairments (autism, ADHD, ADD)
  • Endodontic treatments for children and adolescents
  • Mineralization disorders (MIH, fluorosis, Amelogenesis and Dentinogenesis imperfecta)
  • Surgical referrals (operative removal of wisdom teeth, exposures of impacted teeth, mesiodens, frenuloplasty)
  • Consultation referrals

Älvsjö Pedodonti provides
patients and families with top-tier specialist dental care

Our operations are carried out on behalf of Region Stockholm, ensuring no patient fee for our services

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About us

Executive Manager:
Jelena Marinkovic
Specialist Dentist Pedodonti